Best Performing Laser Hair Removal Offer for Your Med Spa My favorite all time, best performing medspa marketing offer for laser hair removal (that has generated tens of THOUSANDS of dollars for my clients) is…… $199 UNLIMITED* laser hair removal session. I know, I know. You’re thinking, ‘oh, Katlin is giving away the farm!!’ No, no, no, I can’t do that. But keep reading, […]
This ‘A’ Word Gets Leaders Into Trouble | How To Set Your Med Spa Team Up For Success

Ughhhhhh, that nasty “A” word that gets me into trouble and if I had to guess has gotten you into trouble as well. And that ‘A-word’ that I’m talking about is assuming… ASSUMING that because you’ve explained to your team members how you want something done that it will actually be done that way. Like […]