Med Spa SEO: 5 Essential SEO Tips to Boost Your Google Rankings

Med Spa SEO Tips

Picture this: your med spa’s website, sitting pretty at the top of Google’s organic search results, driving a steady stream of new patients to your business.

Sounds too good to be true?

According to Katlin Cauffman, founder of med spa marketing agency Diamond Accelerator, it’s a reality that’s well within reach – if you know how to play the SEO game.

Cauffman shares her top five tips to help med spas optimize their websites and claim that coveted number one spot in local search rankings:

1. Strategically Place Keywords

When it comes to med spa SEO, keywords are king. But it’s not just about using the right words – it’s about putting them in the right places.


Cauffman recommends including your primary keyword or service “in the title tag, meta description, H1, H2 headers, in the body of your page at least five times, and then in alt text” for images.


Why is this so important?

"It's really important that your website is technically set up correctly so that when people are doing searches, they actually find you," explains Cauffman.

"It doesn't do you any good to have this beautiful website in the back alley that nobody can see."

2. Use Internal Links

 Another key SEO strategy is linking between pages on your own website. 

"These internal Google find all the pages on your website," says Cauffman.

"That plays a crucial role in helping Google discover you and then index all of those pages."

Think of internal linking like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for Google’s crawlers to follow. The more connections you create between your pages, the easier it is for Google to understand and rank your site.

3. Optimize Anchor Text

When you do link between pages, pay attention to your anchor text – that’s the clickable words that make up a hyperlink.

"Anchor text are the words that are linked to another page on your website," explains Cauffman.

"This helps Google categorize the individual pages with the keywords that you want to rank for."

For example, if you’re linking to a page about Morpheus8 treatments, use descriptive keywords like “Morpheus8 RF microneedling” in your anchor text. 


Cauffman suggests aiming to link to each page on your med spa site from at least five other places, including blog posts.

4. Blog Consistently

If you want to rank for a wide variety of med spa keywords, you need a lot of content. That’s where blogging comes in.

"At some point, you're going to have your service pages done," says Cauffman. "Then you're going to start to have to create content, and blogs are a great way to do that."

"The more content that you have and keywords that you are using and links, that is going to help you organically rank higher," Cauffman explains. "Start blogging, and be really strategic about what you are blogging."

As a bonus, high-quality educational content also positions you as an expert in your niche and builds trust with potential patients.

5. Optimize Local Listings and Get Reviews

For brick-and-mortar businesses like med spas, local SEO is critical. To show up in Google’s map pack, Cauffman advises ensuring your name, address, and phone number (NAP) are consistent across all online directories.

"There are hundreds of local listing sites out there," says Cauffman.

"You could do it the hard way and...reach out to each of those individual local listing sites...or the smart way to do it is to just get the Yext plugin."

A service like Yext will automatically push your correct business information out to the web for you.

Even more important for ranking in the map pack? Google reviews.

Cauffman shared an inspiring example of a client who generated over 500 5-star reviews in under two years, without any special technology – just a solid process and a commitment from the team. 

The result?

"They made the SEO game super easy for us...when you have that much credibility, authority and trust built with Google, the world's biggest search rank number one for everything."

Bonus Tip: Avoid Duplicate Content

Don’t copy and paste content, whether from your own site or someone else’s.

"Google hates duplicate content," she warns. "If you're copying your same pages within your own site...Google just doesn't know what to do with that information and then they don't index it right."

SEO may not be as flashy as paid advertising or social media, but it’s an essential part of any effective digital marketing strategy. By optimizing your website and content for search engines, you can attract a steady stream of organic traffic and build your authority online.

As Cauffman puts it,

"Your website and SEO is like planting a garden and producing a crop to feed you. Paid advertising is going to the grocery feed yourself tonight."

"Don't neglect your website, don't neglect SEO," urges Cauffman, "because when you plant those seeds, eventually they are going to feed you."

Ideally, you want to have both strategies working together.

The key is to stay consistent and focus on quality over quick fixes.

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Is your med spa website in need of an SEO tune-up?

Book a free website audit with Katlin Cauffman and the SEO experts at Diamond Accelerator. They’ll take a deep dive into your site and provide personalized recommendations to help you rise through the organic rankings and start generating more leads and phone calls.